🌐Using the Web App

COSAP comes with a web application what brings all the core functionality in a hassle free interface for non-technical users.

To get started, please go to cosap.bio

Creating Project and Uploading Files

Web application currently provides three workflows which are:

  • Somatic Variant Analysis (Fastq-BWA2-MarkDuplicates-BQSR-Mutect2-CancerVar)

  • Germline Variant Analysis (Fastq-BWA2-MarkDuplicates-BQSR-HaplotypeCaller-Intervar)

  • Comparative Variant Analysis (Customizable Pipeline)

While the functionality of each workflow is fundamentally the same, the Somatic Variant Analysis and Germline Variant Analysis options do not allow customization.

The following guide will walk you through the project creation steps.

Inspecting Project Results

Once the project is finished and results are parsed, the project status will appear as "View Results" in the projects page. You can click it to view project results and created files.

Last updated