🐳COSAP via Docker

We recommend using the containerized version of COSAP as it comes with all required packages installed.

Installing Docker

If you do not have Docker Engine installed, you can follow the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/


Pull the Docker image:

docker pull itubioinformatics/cosap

You can run the COSAP Docker image with the docker run command:

docker run -it \
-v /<your_cosap_data_path>/:/cosap_data \
-v /<your_workdir>/:/workdir \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
itubioinformatics/cosap \
python <your_cosap_script.py>




Mount hg38 resources (COSAP_LIBRARY_PATH) to this path.


Your working directory.

Last updated