COSAP users don't need to create a custom pipeline if they are not tweaking parameters. The DefaultPipeline provides an interface for creating a DNA-SEQ analysis pipeline with algorithm combinations.
An example DNAPipelineInput looks like this.
Copy from cosap import DNAPipelineInput , DNAPipeline
dna_pipe_input = DNAPipelineInput (
ANALYSIS_TYPE = "somatic" ,
WORKDIR = "your_workdir" ,
NORMAL_SAMPLE = ( "sample_1.fastq" , "sample_2.fastq" ),
TUMOR_SAMPLES = [( "tumor1_1.fastq" , "tumor_1_2.fastq" ), ( "tumor2_1.fastq" , "tumor_2_2.fastq" )],
BED_FILE = None ,
MAPPERS = [ "bwa2" , "bowtie" ],
VARIANT_CALLERS = [ "mutect" , "octopus" ],
NORMAL_SAMPLE_NAME = "your_normal_sample_name" ,
TUMOR_SAMPLE_NAME = "your_tumor_sample_name" ,
BAM_QC = "qualimap" ,
ANNOTATORS = "cancervar" ,
GVCF = True ,
MSI = True ,
Copy dna_pipeline = DNAPipeline (dna_pipeline_input)
dna_pipeline . run_pipeline ()